1.12-1.12.2 Seed With 3 Villages!

This Seed Has 3 Villages around you can found coordinates for them by scrolling down.
SEED CODE: 3791896911213561414
First Village:

X 1144 / Y ¿? / Z 776
Second Village:

X 808 / Y ¿? / Z 152
Third Village:

X 648 / Y ¿? / Z 750
6 Blacksmiths in the village contain:
20 - Obsidian
7 - Apples
8 - Breads
2 - Iron Boots
1 - Iron Pickaxe
24 - Oak Sapling
2 - Diamond Horse Armor
6 - Diamond
1 - Iron Leggings
1 - Iron Helmet
1 - Iron Sword.

[AH] Discord Widget
